
Why Are The Seventies So Special

This is the question i get asked so Sunglasses eyeglasses often and I quite honestly have no idea of the real answer. Was it that the music was far better back then or could it be that growing up in the seventies without the pressures and responsibilities that adultness brings, will always make those sun filled days seem better. Or is there more to it than that. The only way to find out is to tell you my story as I know it and let you choose for yourselves why the seventies are so special to me. So let us go thru the Arched window ( always my favorite ) and let me relate my tale. At the time of my conception my family was living in Scarborough on the fringes of Toronto, Canada. My elders and eldest bro had emigrated there couple of years earlier and my brother Barry was born there. From what my father informs me it is a lovely place to live, in the winter fire engines would come around and shoot their hoses for an hour to make an ice rink for the people to skate on. Everything was idyllic until my mum got ill when she was carrying me. From what I learned from my father she had a heart condition. And advised by her doctor that she would have a better chance of living if she didn't have me. Well she did select me and therefore her health did indeed suffer. Towards the end of the pregnancy she got very bad and my pa had to sell up quick and move back to Britain as my mummy wanted to Wholesale come home. I was born in February and my mum died in Aug. As my pop was forced to sell quickly he couldn't afford to keep us all together so my bro Barry went to stay with an aunt and I went into two houses and then thankfully taken in by my Aunt Dorothy and Uncle Harold in Hackney. It was here that I spent my first years of growing up, eating winkles and cockles on sunday evenings, watching The Monkees with my sister Christine and playing with our puppy dog labrador Nanouk which my Uncle bought to help him with his hunting. Now Nanouk had other ideas when it came to exercise for when my Uncle first took her out and shot a duck down Nanouk just looked up at him as if to point out you do not expect me to go and get that do you? She never went with him again. i can remember lot's of wildfowl pies and rabbit stews whilst living there and of course my favourite, stewed eels and mash manufactured by my Aunt Dorothy. We used to go out fishing for them with my new 'brother and sister' Richard and Christine. I should explain here that I was never told about my real parents at this time so I assumed they were my folks and so they were. My brother Richard was a lot older than me and I thought he was God, I stood in amazement of him and can recollect stealing his things and hiding them under my pillow. Not because I really wanted them but because they were his. I'll also remember my sister Christine making me Wholesale DVI to VGA Cable a nice cuddly bear which I loved and valued for years and having rows with her dad becaue he wouldn't let her watch the Monkees. I only have good memories from there. Playing with my kaleidoscope when I was sick with chicken pox. Even when I was naughty and got sent to my room I can remember climbing out the window and shinning down the drainpipe to play in the garden in my favorite treasure chest. Oooh I used to be a cheeky boy. It was 1967 when Harold Iphone 4s Speaker and Dorothy took me on a drive to Leyton. I can remember pressing the button in the lift to take us up to the ninth floor.

